26th September 2022 Taipei, Taiwan – BIOSTAR, a leading manufacturer of motherboards, graphics cards, and storage devices, today announces product support for EXPO™ memory. Unleash unparalleled performance boost on the Z690 VALKYRIE motherboard with the latest EXPO™ memory.
AMD’s recent announcement of their new Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) technology for DDR5 memory, built to run on their latest AM5 platform, enables effortless memory acceleration with built-in overclocking profiles to extract maximum performance from DDR5 memory modules. Unlock smooth high frame rates in your favorite games with the combination of BIOSTAR motherboards and the latest EXPO™ memories, designed to run high memory frequencies and aggressive overclock settings.
BIOSTAR proudly announces that their Z690 VALKYRIE motherboard will readily support EXPO™ memory technology. With all high-end memory brands lining up to release AMD EXPO™ memories, BIOSTAR intends to lead the market in providing the best motherboards that support both EXPO™ and Intel® XMP DDR5 technologies, respectively. They plan to offer AMD EXPO and Intel® XMP DDR5 support on both AM5 motherboards and their Intel counterpart, carrying on their innovative legacy and unrivaled product quality to provide users easy access to the latest cutting-edge technology.
The latest BIOS update for the Z690 VALKYRIE motherboard will soon be available on BIOSTAR’s official product page, enabling users to fully harness the power of EXPO™ memory. BIOSTAR urges its customers to actively follow their social media pages to learn more about their upcoming products and news.

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